My Fiction

Over the years, I've written a load of erotic fiction which I place here into the public domain.  You can link to this page or the actual stories themselves if you wish, but please be polite and at least ensure I'm credited as the author.  Better yet, spend a few a buy me a coffee to show me that you enjoyed my content.

(please note I will re-populate this table over time due to the old account being removed).

Last Updated: 27 May 2024

General Fiction

Story Name Added
Daddy's Home (Part 1) 04/Oct/2022
Daddy's Home (Part 2) 06/Jun/2023
Daddy's Home (Part 3) 27/May/2024
The Consultant 12/May/2013
Military Delivery 01/Jan/2014
Muscles (Part 1) 27/Sept/2015
Muscles (Part 2) 27/Sept/2015
Officer Safety (Part 1) 16/Apr/2017
Officer Safety (Part 2) 16/Apr/2017
Bootboy 20/Nov/2017
Ride Out - Locked In (Part 1) 26/Sept/2020
Ride Out - Locked In (Part 2) 26/Sept/2020
Ride Out - Locked In (Part 3) 26/Sept/2020
Workie - Seduction (Part 1) 16/Aug/2019
Workie - Conquer and Transport (Part 2) 16/Aug/2019
Workie - Initial Incarceration (Part 3) 16/Aug/2019

Fringe Division Series

Part Name Added
Part 1 - Assessment 26/Jun/2021
Part 2 - Level 1 Employment 26/Jun/2021
Part 3 - Transport 26/Jun/2021

Disappeared Cop Series

Part Name Added
Part 1 26/Jun/2021
Part 2 26/Jun/2021
Part 3 26/Jun/2021
Part 4 26/Jun/2021
Part 5 26/Jun/2021
Part 6 19/Jun/2022